A Day In The Life Of Bob

Busy Lizzie @

It’s national dog day, what better day to introduce my very spoilt doggy - Bob.

Ever since we got him as a puppy he’s ruled our house with his very high standards so I bring him to work with me so he can rule the office too - nobody messes with my Bob! 

He’s a very busy and in demand pug, here’s a day in the life of Bob


We get to the office, Bob’s morning ritual is to go have a pee on one of the MD’s car wheels (sorry Charles!), he has to show people who’s boss!


Our daily morning briefing, he listens for a whole five minutes before snoring away, sorry Bob are we boring you?



Stop by at the photoshoot to make sure everything is going to plan. Bob likes to art direct our photographer Jon, not sure if he’s actually helping or just in the way.


On our way down to London (first class obviously!). Bob’s keeping an eye out for the food trolley.


Arrive in London to sell some mats on QVC. It’s Bob’s TV debut he’s going to be a star! 



On our way home after a very busy day. He’s the bestest boy!



Oh, he’s fallen asleep again... Looks like I'll have to order myself a G&T for a quiet train journey home. 


He’s definitely earned his money today or should I say dog treats?

Bob might be small and tough but he’s the most lovable too. The girls in the office even designed this gorgeous doggy Hug Rug after him because they love him so much!

Busy Lizzie x