Curry Night

Busy Lizzie @

I love a curry night but Ellie has a go at me when I eat too many takeaways and a lot of restaurants and takeaways have been closed during lockdown, so I’ve started making my own curry. I know it sounds like hard work (and I suppose it is in comparison to ordering a Deliveroo) but it’s super tasty and doesn’t make me feel groggy after - win win!

Fish Curry

Jamie Oliver’s five ingredient fish curry is a fabulous and simple dish, I’ve adapted it slightly (I’m not very good at sticking to a recipe). Once you’ve made this it’ll become a weekly staple meal, it’s really easy and doesn’t take long.

What you’ll need…

  • White fish (cod, haddock, basa etc) x 1 fillet per person
  • Little tomatoes - a handful per person (ish)
  • Pepper - I prefer red or orange
  • Spinach
  • Pataks curry paste in a jar - korma or madras depending on how spicy you want it
  • Pataks lime pickle in a jar
  • A can of coconut milk

How to do it…

  1. Heat up a frying pan (one that’s more like a wok shape so your curry sauce doesn’t run onto the oven top) on a high heat with a splash of oil in.
  2. Chop up your pepper into bite-sized chunks, and halve your tomatoes. Then add them to the pan.
  3. Whilst your veg is cooking chop up your fish fillets into four equal size chunks (don’t forget to check for bones, nobody wants a bone in a curry!).
  4. Add 2-3 tablespoons of curry paste to the veg, along with 1 tablespoon of lime pickle and give it a good mix up. Leave to cook for a couple of minutes (this makes it tastier once it’s finished).
  5. Add the coconut milk to the pan, stirring everything together before bringing to the boil.
  6. Once boiling, add the chunks of fish to the sauce and turn the heat down slightly.
  7. Cook for 6 minutes (it might be slightly longer if the fish is quite chunky), you can check it’s cooked by breaking one of the pieces slightly, it should just fall apart (if it’s not cooked it’ll still be translucent in the middle).
  8. A couple of minutes before the fish is done add your spinach, allowing it to wilt in the sauce.
  9. Then dish up! I add coriander to the top of mine but this seems to be a food that divides people.


Garlic flatbreads 

I love a garlic naan bread, and I’m not even going to apologise for my breath after I’ve eaten it! I’ve tried a few supermarket own naans and flatbreads and they just don’t quite cut it. But don’t worry Jamie Oliver Busy Lizzie’s got another lovely recipe that is great for curry night, okay well it was originally Jamie Oliver’s flatbread recipe but I turned it into a garlic butter flatbread recipe! 

What you’ll need for two people…

  • Flour - plain or self-raising
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Garlic

How to do it…

  1. Get out a big mixing bowl, a tablespoon, a rolling pin, a knife, a frying pan, a saucepan and a garlic crush (along with all your ingredients).
  2. Put 3 heaped tablespoons of flour into the mixing bowl, followed by 2 tablespoons of greek yoghurt, 1 tablespoon of oil and a pinch of salt.
  3. Mix all the ingredients with the tablespoon until it starts clumping together to make a dough (you might need to get your hands messy), if it’s a little sticky add some more flour.
  4. Cut the dough into 4 (unless you have a really big frying pan and can make two giant flatbreads) then roll out each piece on a flour-dusted surface.
  5. Heat a non-stick frying pan (and the oven to keep them warm whilst cooking the others) and add the first flatbread, cooking for 3 minutes or until golden and turning halfway. Warning - the first one is always the slowest to cook because of the heat of the pan so make sure you keep an eye on flatbreads three and four, you don’t want to burn them!
  6. Whilst the flatbreads are cooking add some butter and crushed garlic to a saucepan on a low heat so that the butter melts and garlic cooks.
  7. When all the flatbreads are cooked spread garlic over them and enjoy!


I feel like I’m missing something here… oh the wine! Don’t forget to pour yourself a glass of wine to have with the curry, and whilst you’re cooking it.

Simple! Hope you love it as much as I do!


Busy Lizzie x