Festive Cleaning Tips For A Mess Free Christmas
Busy Lizzie @
The most wonderful time of the year is here - Christmas! This is my absolute favourite season as it’s jampacked with festive cheer and so much to look forward to. Christmas markets, cosy nights on the sofa, mulled wine, yummy food - I love it all (especially the mulled wine!)
My house is always the social hub during the festive period and we constantly have loved ones coming and going. Let’s be honest though, the festive season can also be a bit chaotic and our houses take a bit of a beating with all the hustle and bustle. Thanks to wet and muddy shoes, glitter from decorations, all those crumbs from cakes and mince pies (looking at you Ady!), the inevitable spills, it just feels like I’m constantly cleaning! If only the magic Christmas fairy could come and do it all for me…
Sadly it looks like I’ll be doing it all myself (eurgh), but I’ve got some handy tricks up my sleeve to make the process as quick as I can during the festive season. Keep reading to find out how you too can make Christmas cleaning as painless as possible.
Christmas Cleaning Tips
- My top tip for keeping my home clean is to stop the dirt before it can even get in. Of course I’m talking about using a Hug Rug at your front door! Not only will you greet guests with a lovely warm welcome but you’ll stop all that nasty mud, sleet and dirt from getting across your floors.

- A Hug Rug is also perfect to use in the kitchen which is usually the centre of chaos during Christmas - at least mine definitely is. There’s always some sort of accident, whether it’s a spilled glass of wine (how upsetting!) or a bit of gravy splashing on the floor during Christmas dinner preparations. That’s why during this season a washable kitchen mat or runner is going to be your best friend.

- Keep a feather duster in arms reach at all times to clean up all the flour those pesky Christmas elves leave lying around!
- Stock up on wine. This isn’t just a cleaning tip - it’s my general advice for Christmas, no one wants to be running out of wine during the festive period! White wine however also happens to be great for getting stubborn stains out of furniture and carpets, but try not to use or spill too much - wine is for sipping not scrubbing!
- Try not to let the dishes stack up. No one enjoys the washing up, but you don’t want to let your sink turn into an avalanche of dirty dishes so it’s best to keep on top of them. Or make sure you’re loading them into the dishwasher as soon as possible ,or even better, get someone who isn’t doing all the cooking to do the cleaning!

- Make cleaning fun (well, as fun as it can be). Grab a cheeky glass of wine, blast the Xmas tunes and have a bit of fun while whizzing round the house with the hoover and cloth. Plus it’ll help burn off all those calories from the wine and yummy treats!
Hopefully these tips will make the cleaning a bit easier for you all during Christmas. As much as I’d rather be plonked on the sofa with a box of chocolates and a glass of Bailey’s, it needs to be done to keep the house clean and tidy.
And just remember, the quicker it all gets done the quicker you can get back to your festive activities!
Busy Lizzie x