Lockdown 2.0

Busy Lizzie @

I don’t know about anybody else but I feel like I’m doing the hokey cokey with lockdown - ‘you put your left arm in, your left arm out, in out, in out…’! However, I am more prepared for lockdown 2.0 (I’ve got my wine ordered) as we know what to expect, but I appreciate this doesn’t make it any easier especially with it getting darker earlier.

One thing I did learn from the last lockdown is to not set crazy, unachievable targets. Remember we’re in a pandemic and just getting up and eating is enough, just look after yourself! That being said, there’s no harm in giving yourself a bit of a to do list to keep you going, just make sure you don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t completed all your tasks by the time we’re allowed out into the world again.

Some things to try keep you sane (I’ve got no hope in my house) during lockdown 2.0 -

  • Choose some really nice meals to cook or order takeaway from your fave local restaurant (because who can be bothered to cook every night?)
  • Buy some sheet face masks and have a pamper night with popcorn, sweets & chocolate, Champagne and a movie marathon
  • Go for a walk

  • Help local businesses and buy yourself or a friend a treat (because who doesn’t deserve a treat right now). You could even get all your Christmas shopping done!
  • Play a board game (jigsaws are so lockdown 1)

  • Listen to a podcast and learn something new (or just for a laugh)
  • Have a lovely long bath with a glass (or bottle) of wine

And if all else fails just start blasting out Christmas music, because who can be sad whilst listening to Christmas music?

Stay safe.

Busy Lizzie x