Plastic Free July

Busy Lizzie @

Here at Hug At Home we are soo passionate about being sustainable and making our products from recycled or natural materials. We are constantly learning and developing to make sure we are looking after the environment. During Plastic Free July there are lots of small (and big) ways you can get involved this month, and after!

If you haven’t heard of Plastic Free July, it’s a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. The aim is to have cleaner streets, oceans, beaches, and communities by choosing to refuse single-use plastic.

It’s proving to be a little bit difficult to completely remove plastic from your lifestyle, with the majority of PPE being or containing plastic. So don’t be too hard on yourself that you can’t completely remove plastic from your life, you need to look after your health, and loved ones, first.

Here are a few ways you can take part in Plastic Free July -

Small ways to reduce plastic
  • Wearing fabric face masks instead of disposable ones - there’s lots of independent designers who are making some gorgeous reusable masks, I got mine from Etsy

  • Start to make it part of your routine to put a reusable coffee cup and/or water bottle in your bag when you leave the house - then when you need a pick me up coffee from Starbucks you’ve got one on hand rather than needing to use one of their takeaway cups

  • Try buying plastic free alternatives when buying fruit and veg - supermarkets are trying to reduce their plastic footprint and you can help by picking the loose produce instead of multipacks wrapped in plastic

  • Make sure to reuse plastic shopping bags or use a fabric tote bag - I always leave some in the back of my car just in case I need to pop to the shops on the way home. Saves the planet and some pennies.

  • I don’t want to witter on about plastic straws (see How to help the bees, birds and turtles) but they aren’t good for the environment and can be easily avoided

  • When you go to the supermarket or farm shop to buy meat, fish or deli items you could take Tupperware (even better if it’s glass) for them to put it in, rather than them putting the produce in polystyrene and cling film


Bigger ways to reduce plastic
  • You could take part in a beach/park clean up - make sure you’re following the current Government guidelines if you are going to

  • Understand and challenge local policies to do with recycling, reducing waste, and caring for the environment

  • Talk to your friends and family about your efforts and encourage them to make a small change - if we’re all taking part together it’s a much bigger change than just one person at a time


Busy Lizzie x