RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch

Busy Lizzie @

RSPB are the largest nature conservation charity in the country and aim to create bigger, better and more joined-up spaces to save wildlife. They are a fabulous bunch and we try do our bit to support them, by buying one of our Hug Rug bird charity designs you’re helping RSPB’s mission as we donate 10% of the price to them.

This weekend is the RSPB’s big garden birdwatch, they’re encouraging everyone to take part! All you have to do is spend an hour counting the birds you see in your garden, out of your window, or from your balcony and then tell them what you saw! For everything you need to know about taking part in the big garden birdwatch, including not counting birds that are still in flight, click here.

The big garden birdwatch helps the RSPB understand the landscape of birds across the UK. And whether a species of bird is increasing or decreasing in population. Pretty great that we can help with something like this from the comfort of our own homes! 

RSPB have some other fun things on for this weekend such as live Q&As. I took their ‘Which Garden Bird Are You?’ Quiz, turns out I’m a Starling - ‘You're very noisy, scruffy and sociable, and your favourite thing is to hang around in a large group. At night, you're in a huge roost with all your friends, sharing the gossip. You love a bit of iridescent shimmer.’ A pretty accurate description, except the scruffy… alright maybe sometimes when nobody’s looking! 

Happy bird watching! 

Busy Lizzie x