Ways to give back this Christmas

Busy Lizzie @

This has been one crazy year to say the least! I feel so lucky to have my gorgeous (albeit slightly nuts) family, fabulous friends, my amazing colleagues and job, and most importantly my health. I know some people aren’t so lucky and it got me thinking about giving back this Christmas. This year we’ve seen so many people and communities come together to help each other in the face of adversity, so why stop now?

I’ve made a list of ‘presents’ you can gift someone this year and they don’t all have to cost an arm and a leg! (Although Adrian, if you’re reading this I better still be receiving something sparkly - I’ve been a really good girl this year.)

  • Bake cookies or buns for your family and neighbours. I always make too much for just me to eat - who doesn’t? So a perfect way to spread the Christmas spirit (and watch your waistline) is to share the goodies! 

  • Donate to a charity. This may seem like a simple one and something you might do on a regular basis but why don’t you donate to a charity on behalf of someone for a cause that really means something to them.

  • Help someone with their shopping. Earlier in the year so many people helped out elderly and vulnerable family members and neighbours do their food shopping, which was so lovely to see! Check in on those elderly and vulnerable people to see if they need help with present (or food) shopping - I love any excuse to just go shopping!

  • Buy extra food at the supermarket and donate it to the food banks. You don’t have to know someone to help them this Christmas! Why don’t you pick up an extra box of biscuits at the supermarket and pop it in the food bank boxes at the checkouts. I know money can be a bit tight at this time of year so you could get something on buy one get one free and gift the free item to the food banks.

  • Buy a present that gives back to a charity. If you’re buying someone a present why not try to find a gift that gives back to charity as well as being fabulous, like our charity Hug Rugs. Great for your conscience, the environment and as a present!

  • Buy a child a Christmas present. I don’t just mean your own child! If you can afford it lots of charities are collecting toys and presents to help underprivileged children across the UK have a wonderful Christmas (some charities are preferring money donations due to Covid-19, but they let you know what the money is going to be spent on).

  • Sign up as a volunteer to speak to an elderly person. Anyone who knows me knows I make friends anywhere I go, I just chat to anyone! Lots of elderly people face being alone and inside over this festive period, it’d make their day having a chat with you lovely lot. 

  • Buy from small businesses. Lots of small and local businesses have been hit really hard during this pandemic. I know it’s not as easy to buy all your presents from small businesses but why not buy a couple at least? Or order your cheeseboard from your local cheesemonger or farm shop - they tend to have better selections than the supermarkets as well which is a bonus! 

Giving back will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! 

Busy Lizzie x