Another Bloomin’ Brilliant Hampton Court

Busy Lizzie @

You might remember that last year, we took a trip down to London to attend the Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival which turned out to be a huge success for Hug Rug. Well if you’ve been keeping up to date with our Instagram and Facebook (if not, now’s the perfect time to follow us!) a couple of weeks ago we headed back down to the festival this year to showcase our lovely new Hug Rug designs and our fabulous Eco-Washable rug range

We had a brilliant time meeting lots of new and familiar faces and we even managed to win ourselves a couple of awards (more on that later though!) Get yourselves cosy and settle in whilst I tell you all about our wonderful week.

RHS logo at Hampton Court
Arriving a couple of days before the show started, we took the same stand as we had last year and were reunited with our gorgeous mill, mangle and washing line. Except this year, we came back bigger and better with our expert gardeners doing an incredible job. They managed to match all our Hug Rug designs with the surrounding florals - how amazing is that?!
Hug Rug doormats on display at Hampton CourtNew Hug Rug doormat designs at Hampton Court
Monday soon rolled around and the doors to Hampton Court opened to welcome in members of the press to get a first look at all of the fab exhibits. This meant we could have a fun look around the other beautiful gardens at the show, chat with some lovely people and even bump into some famous faces like Ben Shepherd - how exciting!
Hug at Home staff with Ben Shepherd at Hampton Court
The highlight of the week was definitely winning not one, but TWO awards! For a second year in a row we took home a 5 Star Trade Stand award (the highest you can possibly get!) which we were already so excited about, but then we were also presented with The Assessor’s Award for Retail Innovation - woo hoo!
Hug at Home Hampton Court trade stand award 2024Hug Rug Hampton Court retail innovation award 2024
It was great to see everyone’s reactions to our newest Hug Rug designs with the Vintage Rose Hug Rug being a firm favourite (it’s one of my favourites too!). Our new Eco-Washable rugs also went down a treat, making an appearance by popping through our ‘washing machine’ which looked amazing!
Hug Rugs and Eco-Washable rugs at Hampton Court
In classic British summer fashion, we had all kinds of weather during the week, finishing off the show with a downpour. We didn't let that affect us though and you couldn’t stop the team’s smiles!
Hug Rug staff at Hampton Court 2024 with awards

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see us, browse our rugs and have a good old chat. We can’t wait for our next show, The Game Fair, which we’ll be attending this very weekend! Make sure to pop down to stand B674 if you’re going to take a look at our lovely products.

Busy Lizzie x